Birmingham Green is entering spring like a lion with a refreshed strategic outlook that reflects our uniqueness and is captured in our renewed Vision/Mission/Values. On our campus we are interweaving the concept of Reimagine Aging Services, which is visible in cooking groups where residents are preparing Traditional American and Global Ethnic Cuisines; in our Wellness Programs that offer daily exercise, meditation/yoga classes; In creative expressions of art exhibited in painting, crochet/needlework, writing, singing in the Birmingham Green Choir and in the new Willow Oaks lobby bistro area which is available to our residents 24 hours/day, seven days a week.
As a mission-driven organization, we face challenges on a regular basis, such as the recent shutdown that caused us to be creative and demonstrated how we as a community prevailed working with our partners. Some of the partners that we work with include: Quantum Management, a Housing Urban Development Company at Willow Oaks and our health care provider associations: Virginia Health Care Association and LeadingAge Virginia who we work with to draw attention to how local/national decisions impact our community. On Wednesday, March 6, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). The title of the hearing is Not Forgotten: Protecting Americans From Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes, focusing on the experience of two families. It is unfortunate for any resident and family member to experience abuse. Our goal is for you as a family member/responsible party to be able to trust in knowing that Birmingham Green takes the protection of our residents seriously and as a long-term care provider we will continue to work harder to continue our noble journey to improve the lives of our residents on a daily basis. Our abuse prohibition, prevention, and protection system includes: Ensuring that every employee and volunteer complete a criminal background check prior to hire; Education on hire and annually; Implementation of policies and procedures; Ensuring the protection of residents when abuse is reported; Conducting an immediate investigation and reporting via internal and external sources.
We ask for your support of Birmingham Green in sharing your positive stories with your congressional members and with us by submitting CECA nominations at Nominations are displayed on the TV screens located at each of our building entrances.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 9 at the Family Day Brunch from 10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m.!
Denise Chadwick Wright
Chief Executive Officer