Birmingham Green Foundation
Giving Opportunities at Birmingham Green
When you contribute to the Birmingham Green Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, you’re helping us expand our services to the community. Donations help us care for more of our residents who have exhausted their personal resources, allowing them to stay close to their homes and near to family and friends. A charitable donation is an investment in the health of our community and the residents who call this community home. We truly appreciate any donation you are able to give and all donations are tax-deductible!
Donate to the Birmingham Green Foundation
For decades, residents and team members in the Birmingham Green community have benefited from the generosity of people who remembered the organization in their giving and even estate planning. Such support is extremely important to our community and is greatly appreciated.
How to Give to Birmingham Green
Your monetary donations go directly towards these services to help keep our fees affordable by supporting the District Home Fund for those who need financial assistance but cannot pay for services, provide activity programs and therapies as well as assist in training and education for staff and volunteers.
Monetary Donations By Check or Online
Donations can be made by check made payable to Birmingham Green Foundation and mailed to:
Birmingham Green Foundation
8605 Centreville Road
Manassas, Virginia 20110
You may also donate by credit card using our online donation form.
In Lieu of Flowers
If your loved one has died, you may request that donations in their honor be made to Birmingham Green Foundation. We will send a personal thank you to each donor and send the designated family member a list of donors and their addresses.
Employer Match Program
Did you know, your company can double your donation? Ask your personnel office for details when you donate.
Social Event Sponsorships
We welcome you or your company to sponsor social events hosted at Birmingham Green. Please contact us for ideas and details, we’re happy to work with you.
Wish List Items
- Tablets for video communication with family and friends
- Stress-relieving gadgets (i.e. stress balls, fidget spinners, etc.)
- Aromatherapy kits
- 100-piece puzzles (big-sized pieces if possible)
- Fresh flowers
- Handwritten cards from loved ones
- Canned sodas
- Snacks (i.e. small bag of chips, cookies, candy)
- Handmade sensory blankets
- Watercolor kits
Wish List Items for Staff Members
- Masks (N95 and surgical)
- Surprise pizza/food delivery
- Three Keurig Coffee Machines (please contact us prior to purchase)
- K-Cups
- Flavored coffee creamers
- Aromatherapy kits for break rooms
Read to Support Birmingham Green Foundation
Birmingham Green is honored that authors Ruth Hersh Perry and Edgar N. Brown have requested for all proceeds from the sale of their book to go to the Birmingham Green Foundation. Didn’t Meet Any Geezers, will serve to educate and prepare young people for visits to long-term care facilities. We ask for your support by purchasing a copy of Didn’t Meet Any Geezers.
Please contact Andre Porter, Director of Volunteer and Support services at (703) 257 6252 or